This beautiful and handy Bible comes with a hard cover and in the New King James Version.
Unlike the King James Version, the new King James Version is a translation that was written to reflect better readability and interpretation and a less literal approach in translation to English when compared to the KJV.
With the durability of this Bible, you will enjoy using it for a long period of time.
Features of the Holy Bible- New King James Version
- Subject headings assist the reader to identify topics and transitions in the biblical content.
- Words or phrases in italics indicate expressions in the original language which require clarification by additional English words.
- Verse number in bold italic type indicate the beginning of a paragraph
- Oblique type in the New Testament indicates a quotation from the Old Testament.
- Poetry is structured as contemporary verse to reflect the poetic form and beauty of the passage in the original language.
- The covenant name of God was usually trans lated from the Hebrew as “LORD” (using capital letters as shown) in the King James Old Testament. This tradition is maintained. In the present edition the name is so capitalised whenever the covenant name is quoted in the New Testament from a passage in the Old Testament.
- Significant explanatory notes, alternate translations, and cross-references, as well as New Testament citations of Old Testament passages, are supplied in footnotes.
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