Have you ever wondered why Good Friday is called “good” despite being a day of solemn observance for Christians? Join us as we shed some light on the significance of this day.
Good Friday is the day when Christians remember the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It’s a day of reflection but it is also a day of hope & redemption. The word “good” in this context is believed to have come from an archaic meaning of the word- gōd, which translates to as “holy” or “pious.”
The events that occurred on Good Friday were necessary for the ultimate salvation of humanity. Jesus willingly sacrificed himself on the cross as payment for the sins of all mankind. This act of selflessness and love is what makes this day “good” in the eyes of believers.
Good Friday is a powerful reminder of the ultimate sacrifice made by Jesus Christ. It is a time to reflect on the love that He showed us and the salvation that He offers to all who believe in him.
We hope that this explanation has helped you understand the significance of Good Friday. As you prepare to observe this day, we invite you to explore 50 Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die and other Christian resources. May you find peace and hope in the message of the cross, amen.